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East Wheeling Clayworks: The New Artist/Entrepreneur

East Wheeling Clayworks: The New Artist/Entrepreneur

March 03, 2023

Adam and Beth Bedway stand at the intersection of many roads for today’s new potters.  This Wheeling, West Virginia couple are the owners and founders of East Wheeling Clayworks, an enterprise that has grown out of their love of clay and is fed by a determination and commitment to the growth of small businesses in small economies.  Both Adam, 40, and Beth, 37, majored in the arts but sacrificed full-time artistic pursuit to ensure a sustainable living.   Like so many of their generation, they found the traditional work model unfulfilling.  With careful consideration and planning, they chose an alternate route.

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Register NOW for the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts Conference

Register NOW for the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts Conference

January 23, 2023

Cincinnati, Ohio will serve as the host city for the 57th annual conference of the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) conference from March 15-18, 2023. Current, the 57th annual NCECA conference promises a wide range of experiences and exhibitions for everyone who wants to learn about and experience the continuing evolution of human-kind’s most enduring art-form.

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January 11, 2023

Cincinnati, Ohio will serve as the host city for the 57th annual conference of the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA). CURRENT, this year’s annual, promises a wide range of programming and exhibitions for collectors, educators and everyone who wants to learn about and experience the continuing evolution of human-kind’s most enduring art-form. A national organization with global reach, NCECA will draw thousands to the region and site 92 ceramic art exhibitions throughout the community.

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